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Group of teens standing together outside

Working Together To Reduce The Underage Use Of Alcohol, Drugs And Vaping

The Grand Forks Substance Abuse Coalition (SAPC) aims to help youth to thrive by working with community partners to prevent youth from using alcohol, vapes or drugs. A child who gets to age 21 without using tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs greatly improves their chances of never using or abusing these substances. To prevent youth substance use, our coalition uses proven strategies, such as providing information, enhancing skills and enacting or modifying policies.


Drug Free Communities Grant

In 2018, SAPC was awarded a Drug Free Communities Grant. The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program, created by the Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997, is the Nation’s leading effort to mobilize communities to prevent youth substance use. Directed by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the DFC Program provides funding to community coalitions to strengthen the infrastructure among local partners to create and sustain a reduction in local youth substance use.


Our current initiative is focused on prevention/reduction of youth substance abuse in three areas: alcohol, marijuana and vaping/nicotine. Our current theme "Wait...What?" was created to help educate teenagers (middle school to high school) about common misperceptions associated with each substance.

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